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The Beast of Dartmoor surveys his domain.

We went to Dartmoor in March. We stayed in a cottage in Postbridge, which is pretty well smack in the middle of the moor. We were joined by the boys and partners; and also by the Beast of Dartmoor - who insisted on walks at every available opportunity. The weather was March-like, misty, mizzley, sunny - much as expected for the time of year, and perfect for walking and cosying up in local pubs.

Postbridge is a small sleepy place out of season. Its main claim to fame is the 'clapper bridge' in the centre of the village (see below). Apparently the bridge dates from the 12th or 13th century, Mr Google seems undecided. Not too sure of the origin of the term 'clapper bridge', but it's an impressive and photogenic relic.

We also took a couple of walks around Bellever Forest, which is accessed from the edge of the village. This is a brilliant Forestry Commission maintained site, with plenty of walks and archaeological artefacts to explore. Quite a few horses around as well, if that's your sort of thing. Beautiful place.

We visited Princetown twice, which is probably a nice place. it was difficult to get a true impression, the place was thick with fog on both occasions, which seemed to be very localised. Bit odd - presumably something to do with the prison?

Photobombed by the Beast of Dartmoor at Buckland Abbey

We went to Buckland Abbey, on the western edge of the National Park. This is a National Trust place, with connections to Francis Drake. We didn't go into the abbey itself, but the grounds are beautiful, with several interesting old outbuildings and guided walks.

We enjoyed Dartmoor a lot. I think we went at a good time of year. I'm not sure the experience would be quite the same in high summer. The damp climate creates a fascinating green environment when yomping through the local woods and lanes, with lots of moss and ferns sprouting from walls and trees. Great for photography - at least for my tastes.

Happy Easter everyone.


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