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Out of the blue...

This is an accidental blog.

I had no real intention of committing by thoughts to print ... but it seems to have sneaked up on me.

The main purpose of this fledgling site is to publish and explain the background to a few of my random photographs. As outlined in my 'mission statement', this is largely a therapeutic exercise, to try and partly fill a gap that seems to have inserted itself into my daily routine.

Anyway, as I'm here, I may as well pad it out with a few random musings. Could be about anything really - we live in interesting times.

Apart from the photography, my other preoccupations include sports, music, food (I fancy myself as a bit of a baker) and real cider (at the moment, just a happy memory). I could bore you all with any or all of these topics. I may even be moved to share the odd recipe!

As will clearly be evident, at the moment the site is very much 'work in progress'. Therefore, many apologies in advance for any dead links or other features that don't work. I'm still feeling my way through this stuff.

Thanks for visiting. Please come back again. I'll try to keep it light.

By the way, the dog is Reilly, a seven year old rescued Jack Russell. He lives with us.

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